How we (mis)use sex for more connection

How we (mis)use sex for more connection

I know you know,… as humans, we are social creatures by nature and crave connection with others. And one of the ways we seek to connect with others is through sexual intimacy or lovemaking. And as you can probably also imagine, sex is a powerful form of communication...
Lost your mojo? Learn to get it back

Lost your mojo? Learn to get it back

Ever since the lockdowns were done in the beginning of the year I was trying to get back into a rhythm. Back into productivity as I had before and now wanted back. I used to always find ways to keep my energy up… Except for this time. The fact that it took 3...
In the middle of all the craziness… There is you…

In the middle of all the craziness… There is you…

For many, many times I’ve called the years 2020 and 2021 ‘craziness’ and the years of ‘I don’t know’… Because whoever I would talk to, everybody would sooner or later say “I don’t know!’ about what they’re expecting to happen next with their lives, work or...