Lasting love… Be & Stay Curious

Lasting love… Be & Stay Curious

Always wondered what you can do to have lasting love? Of course, this has many factors, but there is something crucial to be aware of when you are interested in having a deep and conscious connection with someone. Something that is super obvious in the beginning of...
Owning your Shit

Owning your Shit

Let’s take some time to talk about owning your own shit. Or projection. Or actually about how to let go of projection in order to move towards owning your shit and conscious connection with people around you. 😉 Did you know that projection is one of the major problem...
Conscious Connection

Conscious Connection

Conscious Connection. This is one of my all-time favorite topics. I love it so much because I love love, I love to find ways to feel more flow, more love, more connection and creativity. And I’ve been surprised so many times in my life when just a simple change of...
Daily Abundance

Daily Abundance

Life can be very demanding and this makes it extra important to be conscious about the daily activities that you do. What most of us want is to create flow in our days, to have a continuous stream of feeling good about ourselves and our decisions. Although it sounds...
How to use sensuality as a powerful tool

How to use sensuality as a powerful tool

How do you feel about sensuality? Sensuality is often confused with sexuality. But it actually is so much more! Sensual living is an essential aspect of conscious living. It involves the act of fully experiencing and enjoying the present moment through our senses,...